
Pandora(Pandora) gr. Mit.: pirmoji moteris, kurią, kaip kerto įrankį, Hefaistui ir Atėnei įsakė sukurti Dzeusas. Vyriausiąjį dievų valdovą supykdė Prometėjas, pagrobęs i Olimpo ugnį ir perdavęs monėms. Hefaistas nulipdė Pandorą i emės ir vandens, Atėnė aprengė spindinčiu drabuiu:Spindinčiais lyg sau

Movie violence

Everyday we face up with cruelty and violence. Newspapers and TV are just talking about thieves, murders and other criminals. In that case violence on movies are inevitable. To my mind violent movies make the biggest harm to children and such films should be regulated by law and forbidden to watch v

Movie violence

Everyday we face up with cruelty and violence. Newspapers and TV are just talking about thieves, murders and other criminals. In that case violence on movies are inevitable. To my mind violent movies make the biggest harm to children and such films should be regulated by law and forbidden to watch v