

Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twentieth century. Their benefits are numerous yet much can be said against them.
The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hou

Living in the countryside

“Living in the countryside”
The life in countryside has changed a lot. The nowadays life in the countryside is easier for the elder and more difficult for the younger people. Living in the countryside has its advantages and disadvantages.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage of living in th

House warming party

House-Warming Party

Recently we moved into big and gorgeous house. So I and my wife, we decided to mark this occasion and we organized a house-warming party.
We invited 35 people to have a good time. My wife started preparations a week before the party took part, as she was cooking food at her m



*kreipiniuose: children, stop talking.
*savaitės dienos, mėnesiai, metų laikai, jeigu nėra paaiškinimo: spring, may, Friday.
*breakfast, diner, lunch, supper.
*neskaičiuotiniai (abstraktieji medžiaginiai): music, literature, life, freedom, water, cheese, milk, coffee (jeigu be paaiški

Būti ar nebūti

Būti ar nebūti ?

Būti ar nebūti tai populiari dažnai girdima fraze, kurioje užšifruota žmogaus egzistencijos esme. Šie trys žodžiai savyje slepia viso žmogaus gyvenimo apmastymus, kad tai suprastum tereikia įsigilinti. Taigi ir pamėginsiu šiuo savo referatu jums paaiškinti šiuos tris žodelius.


Tam tikrus oficialius mūsų gyvenimo įvykius reguliuoja tradicijos. Kai einame į audienciją pas popiežių, lankomės Baltuosiuose rūmuose arba atiduodame pagarbą vėliavai, laikomės senų papročių, nurodančių tam atvejui reikalingas elgesio normas. Šių papročių laikymasis padeda mums laisvai jaus


Tam tikrus oficialius mūsų gyvenimo įvykius reguliuoja tradicijos. Kai einame į audienciją pas popiežių, lankomės Baltuosiuose rūmuose arba atiduodame pagarbą vėliavai, laikomės senų papročių, nurodančių tam atvejui reikalingas elgesio normas. Šių papročių laikymasis padeda mums laisvai jaus


Traveling always gives as a lot of new impressions, particularly in summer when the weather is good. In that case it is fun to see other countries, visiting museums and art galleries. In particular it is interesting to see historical places or ruins of ancient towns. Usually people enjoy sample nat


Traveling always gives as a lot of new impressions, particularly in summer when the weather is good. In that case it is fun to see other countries, visiting museums and art galleries. In particular it is interesting to see historical places or ruins of ancient towns. Usually people enjoy sample nat

My Home

I live with my parents in a five room detached house. Our house is located in a calm part of Kaunas near the Oak Park and Zoo, very far from the street. We also have a big garden, which is especially nice in the spring and summer, when everything becomes green.
You can enter our house through the m