
doc. dr. Rūta Meištė





Gytis Jakštas


Kaunas, 2017




1. KAUNO TILTAI – what is it? 4

1.1. Main purposes of the company 4

1.2. Main service of Kauno tiltai 5

1.3. AB „Kaunas tiltai ‘history’…………………………………………………………………………..5

2. KAUNO TILTAI – socially responsible company 8

3. Environmental Protection 10

3.1. Social responsibility 11




Kauno Tiltai is the largest transport infrastructure company in the Baltics. Since the start of operations in 1949, the company has built over 100 bridges, and constructed and reconstructed a large number of roads in Lithuania.

Objectives AB ,,Kauno tiltai“ aim to present AB ,,Kauno tiltai“

To introduce AB ,,Kauno tiltai“

To discribe social responsible company AB ,,Kauno tiltai“

To discuss about environmental protection AB ,,Kauno tiltai“


The growth of the company has led to an expansion of its portfolio of activities. Currently it includes not only motorway and road construction projects, but also a number of others, e.g. the construction of tunnels, railways, airports, water ports, erection of engineering and energy networks, production of building materials, and installation of waste facility sites.

In any one year the company implements up to 300 projects of different size and complexity, starting with the very smallest and finishing with the largest transport infrastructure facilities in Lithuania. To ensure quality control, Kauno Tiltai has its own certified laboratory whose test results are recognised throughout the EU.

Over 1,000 employees are employed in the company, of which 200 are highly qualified transport infrastructure construction engineers.

1.1. Main purposes of the company

“AB“ Kauno Tiltai building bridges between science and business

In the global economy of knowledge and innovations our consumer habits, everyday routine, needs, and even values rapidly change. The role of business changes as well. The leading companies today can no longer limit their operations to the implementation of direct functions. Competition has taken business from the national to the international arena. The main focus of today’s competitive marketplace is no longer raw materials or other physical resources. People and their ideas have become the most valuable business capital.

The vision of the “Akademija@Kauno Tiltai” program was borne through understanding that progress and innovations are created where business and science unite their ideological and human potential for a common purpose. Kauno Tiltai AB as the leader on the Lithuania market is often faced with the need to attract the best young talents, create stimulating working conditions, and ensure continuous qualification improvement of employees. Raising future company employees and offering students the opportunity to use the best practical knowledge are some of the main goals of “Akademija@Kauno Tiltai”, but there are more. “Akademija@Kauno Tiltai” will integrate its current scientific projects and new initiatives into one platform, which together with educational and scientific institutions will help find future engineering solutions. We hope that this will open doors for new modernisation opportunities for the infrastructure sector in Lithuania. We also believe that “Akademija@Kauno Tiltai” will demonstrate that engineering sciences are an interesting and creative choice that promises a rewarding career for young people willing to create their future.

1.2. The service of the Kaunas bridge company

Established with the purpose to rebuild roads after the World War II, the Company has constructed and reconstructed many roads and built over 100 bridges and viaducts in Lithuania. Over six decades of its operation Kauno tiltai developed exceptional technical skills and know how that today allows the Company to carry out wide range of activities.  

1.3 AB „Kaunas tiltai“ history

A Brief Outline of Six Decades

1949–1960: the start of company’s activities

To deal with the aftermath of the war the Road Building District No. 1 (Kelių statybos rajonas Nr. 1) was established in the year 1949. This was the first building company under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania. The company had 10 pieces of road building machinery and 160 workers. In 1956, the company built its first bridge – a bridge across the Neris River in Jonava town.

1961–1970: the first kilometres of highways

Development of a production facility started on an area of 13.7 hectares in Palemonas. This allowed the company to undertake greater volume of works – in 1964 the Kaunas Northern bypass, one of the main Kaunas roads, was built; this was followed in 1965–1970 by the construction of the 100-km Vilnius-Kaunas highway. In 1966, the company changed its name and became the First Bridge Building Authority of Kaunas (Kauno pirmoji tiltų statybos valdyba).

1971–1990: more bypasses

In the 1980s the company spent seven years with its partners on the construction of the 200-km Kaunas-Klaipėda highway. In 1987, construction of the Kaunas Western bypass was started. In 1990, the company’s name was once again changed – this time it became the Kaunas State Bridge Building Company (Kauno valstybinė tiltų statybos įmonė).

2003: the first projects abroad and privatisation of the company

By 2003, construction of the Kaunas Western bypass was finished. In 2007, the company certified its Environmental Management System according to the ISO 14001 standard and its Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to the OHSAS 18001 standard. By expanding its activities the company acquired such road building companies as Taurakelis, Kėdainių automobilių keliai and Kelda in Lithuania and PDM Bialystok as well as PEUiM in Poland. The company’s activity portfolio was supplemented with the first works in the field of the construction of railway infrastructure: the first project implemented – reconstruction of railway structures on the transport corridor IXB (Vilnius-Klaipėda).

In 2007, the works in the field of tunnel construction and reconstruction were started – Kaunas railway tunnel was reconstructed. In addition, the company commenced its business in the field of Street lighting by installing lighting on the certain sections of Vilnius-Klaipėda highway. In 2008, when the Tiltra Group was established, the infrastructure construction company operating in Poland and Lithuania, Kauno tiltai AB became a part of it.

In 2009, the management of the company was reorganised. Vilnius bridges, was reconstructed. In 2010, the company got involved into another new type of activities – building of sea ports and their infrastructure. The end of 2010 saw the commencement of the second stage of the Jakai roundabout reconstruction.

2011-2013: the first projects in Latvia and growing railway construction activity

After the Tiltra Group of company’s merger with one of the largest Polish railway infrastructure construction companies Trakcja Polska in 2011, a new infrastructure construction group of companies Trakcja was formed. On 19 April 2011 Kauno Tiltai became a part of this group of companies.In 2011, the company won the biggest in its history project – Construction of the Second Track in Kyviškės – Valčiūnai section of Vilnius Bypass on the Corridor IXB (railway construction). In 2012, the company finished reconstructions of Klaipėda Jakai roundabout (2nd stage) and a railway section Radviliškis- Pagėgiai- state border (1st stage) on the Corridor IA. In 2012, the company started to work in the Latvian market. During 2013 the company strengthened its positions in the Eastern and Central Latvia and established a representative office of Kauno Tiltai in neighbouring country. The year 2013 distinguished for exclusive projects the company is proud of. The most important of them – Constructions of the link between IXB Transport Corridor (Žirniai str.) and Vilnius International Airport. This project is unique in a sense that the company implemented it during six months and was able to finish the works even three months sooner. The project earned the highest award in the Product of the Year 2013 contest annually held by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists. Out of five main contractors that construct the Rail Baltica line, the value of works undertaken by the company is the biggest and totals LTL 378 million (including VAT).

Fig. 1 Graph show Kauno tiltai turnover during the years from 2010-2016, this six year graph is made by stock exchange. Vertical line from 30-50M to >100M shows EUR stock price, horizontal years from 2010 to 2016. From 2010 to 2011 numbers of companies stayed the same. From 2011 to 2012 sharped increased. From 2012 numbers remained constant.


When we talk about progressive, socially responsible business, nothing can’t be taken for granted and there is always a huge risk to fail. But how come this company managed to go so far from the very beginning? Attention to the people, envinronment and positive thinking allowed them to overcome the boundaries and take the lead.

The staff of Kauno tiltai is the team of professionals which constantly seeks to improve its knowledge and skills.


1. Long-term results

2. Learning and development

3. Challenges and innovations

4. Career opportunities

5. Stability and reliability

6. Open-minded attitude

7. Shared leisure time

Kauno tiltai strives to attract and retain professional, creative and hard-working employees, to encourage inovative thinking and support constant improvement by establishing conditions that allow its employees to show their abilities and achieve career progression.

The Company pays particular attention to the professional development of its employees. Kauno tiltai strives continually improve the environment for learning. It constantly invests into specialised trainings, provides financial support to cover study fees, ensures flexible working shedule for those combining work and studies, and ensures that new employees could learn from the seasoned professionals of the field.

AB „KAUNO TILTAI“ In order to become competitive in its business market and seeking to meet the needs of customers, as well as to justify and even to exceed their expectations, the company pays great attention to Quality Management.

In 2000 the company’s Quality Management System was certified for the first time. Smooth company management, expeditious and constructive response to changes, and flexible rearrangement of internal processes over a number of years has ensured that obligations assumed from customers will be implemented in a timely and quality manner, while the suggested solutions will be the best.

In order to achieve these goals properly, the company uses a number of management systems covering Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental Protection (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001) leading to what is called an Integrated Management System.

The Integrated Management System is planned, organised, controlled, and evaluated in conformity with eight management principles of the international ISO 9001 standard: customer focus, leadership (management), involvement of people, process approach, system approach to management, continual improvement, factual approach to decision-making, mutually beneficial supplier relations. Adhering to these principles helps the company to prove its reliability for customers, employees and the public at large.

The requirements of the management standards encourage the company to not only take care of quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety, but also to improve its activities, to apply state of the art technologies, to expand the field of implemented works, to provide services and to produce building materials compliant with the strictest requirements of the European Union.


In implementing projects on the construction of transport infrastructure the company protects and upholds its environment and continually seeks to reduce the negative impact made on it. Since 2007 the Environmental Protection Management Standard ISO 14001 has been implemented in the company; the implementation of the requirements and set goals is facilitated by the Integrated Management System.

Environmental protection and its preservation measures are consistently planned and improved in the company. Processes and actions on environmental protection management are supervised by the company’s specialists, who have the necessary qualifications, experience and skills.

In carrying out its construction assembly works the company abides by legal and other requirements on environmental protection; it identifies and evaluates the aspects of environmental protection that may have a positive or negative impact on the environment. The company encourages every employee to become consciously involved in the prevention of pollution, to advance knowledge, to be an active participant in the improvement of environmental protection activities, and to abide by all legal and other requirements on environmental protection applied by the company.

Seeking to prevent accidents and incidents, staff members of the company’s internal audit and quality control department carry out internal audits on a regular basis. Over 100 internal inspections are carried out in the company each year. In addition, the company is also audited every nine months by an external certified company, Bureau Veritas Lit UAB.

During the previous financial year the company acquired a permit to crush construction and demolition debris in the Baltromiškės field of useful resources; this means that it can use construction demolition debris repeatedly in construction as secondary raw materials. Last year also saw the modernisation of the boiler house for the equipment repair workshop; a washhouse, for cars and equipment, with a water recirculation system was installed in the equipment unit of the Vievis facility. To ensure water pollution reduction, surface rainwater drain cleaning facilities are being modernised in production facilities.

The Environmental Protection Management System helps the company ensure business development, reduces the costs of raw materials and energy, reduces the number of accidents and waste management costs, and improves work conditions and relationships with different interested parties.

3.1 Social responsibility

Being a responsible member of the business community the company consistently supports different non-profit social initiatives. Particular attention is paid to the satisfaction of cultural and social needs of communities in areas in which it operates; attention is also paid to projects and activities on advancing progress in construction science at higher education schools and scientific research institutions.


Kauno Tiltai has been part of „Trakcja PRKil S.A.”, a group of infrastructure and energy construction companies operating in Poland and Lithuania, since 19 April 2011. The main „Trakcja PRKil S.A.” shareholder – Comsa Corporación is the eighth largest construction company in Spain and the second largest in the Spanish railway infrastructure sector. With over 100 years experience the group mostly operates in the fields of infrastructure, construction, engineering systems, environmental protection, transport and logistics, concession and renewable energy sources

The company provides services compliant with the requirements of the strictest standards and produces materials whose high quality is acknowledged across the European Union.

Occupational health and safety is one of the main priorities in Kauno Tiltai AB. The Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard OHSAS 18001 has been implemented in the company since 2007; the implementation of the requirements and set goals is facilitated by the Integrated Management System.

In implementing projects on the construction of transport infrastructure the company protects and upholds its environment and continually seeks to reduce the negative impact made on it. Since 2007 the Environmental Protection Management Standard ISO 14001 has been implemented in the company; the implementation of the requirements and set goals is facilitated by the Integrated Management System.

In this review I have fully analyzed the structure of this leading fertilizer manufacturer, excluded its main production branches and reviewed its social awareness aspects, which were likely cruicial for their business success.


AB ,,Kauno tiltai“ – introduction