Crime has been a growing problem in the recent years in Lithuania. According to the statistics the crime rate is about 50 % higher than it was 20 years ago, so a growth of crime is uncontrolled. Crimes, which are committed in Lithuania doesn’t differ widely from crimes committed in other countries. However, most typical are these: burglaries, muggings, thefts, smuggling, shoplifting, domestic violence, hooliganism, drug trafficking and unfortunately, murders. Mostly, the nature of a crime depends on living conditions in country. In the recent years smuggling has become a big problem, because it is disrupting Lithuania’s economy. In connection with avoiding the impost, things such as alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, music Cd’s, jewelry and other valuables are hidden somewhere in a vehicle and then illegally taken to the country when crossing a frontier. Later, these things are being sold in the black market. And why is it damaging to the economy? Firstly, the government doesn’t get impost, PVM and profit margin taxes, so the budget is in low supply. Secondly, copyrights of the company or organization are violated. It is thought that the best solution for this problem is detailed customs inspection if something causes even little suspicion. Moreover, punishments should be much harder such as heavy fines or attainder. Only in that case people will think before committing this crime. Unfortunately, the corruption level in Lithuania is very high and it doesn’t always help, but it is another problem.One more typical crime in Lithuania is domestic violence. Victims are usually women or children. There are a lot of reasons why people experience domestic violence. One of the most common reasons is poverty when people can’t find a job. It drives them into desperation and alcoholism and later they use force against their families. One more reason is a similar experience in childhood when a victim uses violence to revenge. In this case long imprisonment doesn’t help, because such people don’t have what to loose. The best solution is physiological help; people should understand that violence against the nearest people won’t solve the problem.
In conclusion, criminality could not be stopped, but it could be decreased. Our polity should ensure our rights and democracy. Maybe one day we will wake up in a safer place, but now let’s work together to achieve this.