Film review essay

The film that impressed me immensely

Films perform the functions of mass media, such as entertainment, information, and even education. Every person selects films which are the most appealing to them. The film which fascinated me greatly was American History X. Made in 1998, it was directed by Tony Kaye. There are some reasons why this film fascinated me so much.

One of the aspects which fascinated me was the plot. The film tells a story of two brothers: Derek and Danny, who become involved in the neo-Nazi movement. Derek serves in a prison for homicide. Before going to prison, Derek is the leader of a violent gang that commits acts of racial crimes in Los Angeles and his actions influenced Danny. The plot revolves around Derek’s release from the prison when he leaves the gang and becomes determined to keep Danny from going down the same violent path as he did. I was shocked by a twist in the end when Danny is confronted by a student at the school, with whom he had a confrontation formerly. The confrontation ends with one of them death.

Another thing that amazed me in this film is the actor Edward Norton and his leading role – the older brother Derek. After this film Edward Norton became one of my favorite actors and his performance in this film earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. Derek’s character motivates to become a better person and it is complex but well-rounded in the course of the film.

Last but not least reason why I liked this film is the way it is made. Danny and Derek’s shared past was shown in black and white and present day events shown in color, it made the film more intricate for me and made a bigger affection.

All things considered, films are one of the best ways to spend our free time. It is not only an entertainment and pleasure but you can get a lot of valuable information from its plot and even motivation from films’ characters.

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