French law


Before the revolution in XVIII century, France was a leading country in Europe in almost all aspects – culture, art, manners and so on. After the revolution in France and other following revolutions in other European countries, France started to loose their position as a leading country. But situation was saved by solving one of the problems that was important to all nations – publishing Code Napoleon ,that was the first and only in that times, modern code of laws. It was easily understood, because of the manner of writing and French language. By the end of nineteenth century lots of countries, such as Germany, Italy, Belgium, Egypt were newly created or reborn and the major part of them, including Lithuania, accepted the French code and gave the monopoly in law export trade into the hands of France. Only in 1896 the German Civil Code was created and started the struggle with Code Napoleon. In the beginning of the XX century German Civil Code already had his place among the major ant most popular codes of law.


The process of creating law is unique and requires both knowledge of history and experience. The reaction to French Civil Code had made the lawyers not only to make amazing speeches but also to study the law itself. The mess of court decisions was the source for new institution – supreme court to be installed. However the experience has showed that pre-Revolutionary law was not forgotten but remained for writers to study, for courts to refer to. The memory of historical codes such as Code Napoleon and Roman law lies as a basis for modern law. The basis of modern law is a shadow of history with particular interpretation – for instance French law looks like made for less expanding country than England. The difference between specific circumstances in England and France shines upon the job of jurists and lawyers.