



• Introduction • The aim of the Project Work • The Project Work “A resort place I like best”: • History; • Land; • Population; • Facilities; • About Birstonas; • Things to do; • Regularly scheduled sport and cultural events; • Sanatoriums;Conclusions


One day our English teacher asked us to make a project work. She gave us alot of subjects and we had to choose one of them. I have chosen “A resortplace I like best”. A resort place I like best is Birstonas. My parents –my mother and my father, were born in Birstonas. First time I visitedBirstonas when I was four years old. It was fantastic! I enjoyed breathingthe fresh air, walking in wonderful pinewoods, swimming in enormousswimming-pools. Birstonas charmed me from my childhood. It is the onlytown, where I can relax. That is the reason why I visit Birstonas everyyear.


There are a lot of aims of my project work. I will mention some of them: • It was very useful for me to make a project work because now (after making it) I know plenty of new facts about this unique resort town – Birstonas; • I have friends in United States of America, in United Kingdom and in Italy. I am able to tell a great number of interesting facts about Birstonas to my friends. • I have repeated the subject that we learned about in our English lessons – Resort town in Lithuania.


Birstonas is situated in the southern part of Lithuania at the one of thebends of the Nemunas River. In 1966 it gained the status of the town ofrepublican subordination.

First time the name of Birstonas was mentioned in 1382. Chronicle of Vygandof Marburg mentions “a farmstead at the salty water” (Birstain or Birstan).

The wooden castle of Birstonas is also referred to in descriptions of theroutes to Lithuania by Crusaders’ scouts; these descriptions, survivingfrom the period of 1384-1402, include the above-mentioned names ofBirstonas. In the early 19th century, Teodoras Narbutas, a researcher ofLithuanian history, discovered these documents in the secret archives ofKonigsberg. The master of the castle, Vytautas the Great, was a keenhunter. For hunting sessions the game would have been driven into theforest surrounded by the Nemunas bend from Trakai and Aukstadvaris; that iswhy the forest is still called Zverincius (a place full of beasts).

Birstonas developed into a highly sought after and prized health resorttown. It served the restorative and relaxation needs primarily of thecitizens of the Soviet Union prior to Lithuania’s independence in March of1990. Since the independence of 1990, Birstonas has been free to developits beautiful surroundings, clean air, and abundant sources of water intoone of Lithuania’s most charming destinations. It’s charm of late XIXcentury -early XX century resort villas were never spoiled by soviet style“architecture.” The tallest building is only 4 stories high. The entirecity is ablaze in nature and colour throughout the seasons.In 1414 a famous Flemish traveller Gilbert de Lanua visited the region andwas the first one to mention the Birstonas Castle. Sources tell thatescaping from plague epidemic the Grand Duke of Lithuania KazimierasJogailaitis with his family spent there the winter of 1473. The huntingestate had been expanding rapidly and it became known as Birstonas town in1518. The first church there was built in 1549 (rebuilt in 1643). The townwas severely damaged during the 17th century wars against Russia.

From 1924 Birstonas was subordinate to Lithuanian Red Cross organization.The park was cleaned out, new buildings and running water system were

built, and water springs put in order. In 1924 the production of bottledmineral water from Birstonas springs “Birute” and “Vytautas” was started atthe hotel Lietuva in Kaunas. Later on the production process was moved to asmall plant in Birstonas. Buildings for mud treatment procedures were builtin 1927, while buildings for mineral water procedures – in 1931.

In 1939 the monument to Doctor Jonas Basanavicius (sculptor A.Aleksandravicius), a leader and ideologist of Lithuanian national movement,was erected in Birstonas and stands there until now. World War II severelydamaged the town; the fire destroyed the most beautiful building of thetown, Kurhaus (it was rebuilt later) as well as the pictures by famouspainter Kazys Simonis that were kept in it.

Professor Balys Sruoga, a Lithuanian writer, came to Birstonas to recoverand be treated at the Baltoji vila (White Villa) Sanatorium after the yearsin Stutthof concentration camp, in 1946. In Birstonas he wrote his bestnovel “Dievu miskas” (“Forest of the Gods”). It was built the monument toBalys Sruoga (sculptor G. Plechavicius) here.

Birstonas hydrographical network includes the Nemunas River, the Druskupisrivulet, mineral springs, and wells. When the Kaunas Hydroelectric powerstation was put in operation, the water level of the Nemunas by Birstonasincreased. After 1959 flood, 2.2 m of length embankment was made to protectthe town from floodwater.

The history of the town is introduced at the history museum that was openedin 1967. It has a conventional exposition and two exhibit halls. Museumarchives contain about 6,000 pieces. The museum organizes meetings,exhibitions, and lessons of history. A sacred museum commemorating CardinalV. Sladkevicius and Archbishop J. Matulionis has been founded.

The beginning of secondary education dates back to 1796, when the firstprimary school was opened in Birstonas. It keeps contacts with KoldingBakke School in Denmark, Leck School in Germany, and Bykle and Hovden

Schools in Norway.

Art School has operated in Birstonas since 1978. Students can take grandpiano, accordion, violin, clarinet and guitar classes. The painting sectionwas opened in 1986; children’s creative group, “Molinukas”, was set up atit.

The nursery-school (kindergarten) “Vyturelis” was opened in 1987. Nowadayseducation there is based on ethnic traditions.

The town is proud of its cultural life. Concerts, theatre events,conferences take place at the 500-seat Birstonas cultural center hall.Meetings with interesting people, exhibits, contests and disco parties areorganized at the small hall of the center. The cultural center alsoincludes wood carving studio “Uosiukas”, photography studio “Varpas”,theatre studio, and music and dancing groups. Such popular events asInternational Birstonas Jazz Festival, sports dancing contest “Birstonasautumn”, and International J.Valunas Cup Ballooning competition, areorganized.

The town has a public library, which contains more than 70,000 publicationsand 3,000 videotapes, vinyl records, compact discs.

Newly established sports and tourism information center organizes sportsevents, and provides tourism services. An Olympic Rowing Center providesperfect conditions for training and practicing indoors and outdoors aswell. 80-bed dormitory for sportsmen is available at the center.

The Nemunas Bend Regional Park is an adorable place for relaxation andtourism. The length of the Nemunas in the park territory is 79 km. On theleft bank of the Nemunas River in the Alksniakiemis pinewood, stretches asculptural pathway to commemorate victims of Stalinism.

New architecture dominates the town, though there are some late 19th –early 20th century villas, too. Neogothic St Anthony of Padua Church, builtin 1909, highlights the town.

On August 21, 1995 the President of the Republic of Lithuania confirmedthe coat of arms of the Birstonas town. It reflects the special features ofthe resort: the mythological fish from whose back fountains watersymbolizes the background of resort’s past and present.

On July 17, 1998 in the park of Birstonas, the statue of Vytautas the Great(by G. Jakubonis) was opened.

The town popularizes the art of minor plastics (23 works); sculptors’meetings take place there.

The park was established in 1992 for the protection of the unique GreatBends of the Nemunas and the marvellous landscape of the Punia Pine Woods,its natural ecosystem and cultural treasures.The Nemunas Great Bends form a 79-kilometre-long stretch of the middlereaches of the twisting river, beginning 3 kilometers above Punia andfinishing 1 kilometer below Birstonas. The Nemunas Great Bends include thePunia, Balbieriskis, Prienai and Birstonas Bends. The park is within thecentral part of the Prienai region and embraces the entire town ofBirstonas, while the Punia Pine Woods and the village of Punia take up thenorthern section of Alytus region.


12407 ha, of which 6945 ha are forests, 4251 ha – agricultural lands, 279ha – water areas, 102 ha – roads, 350 ha – developed area, 478 ha – area ofother designation. A major part of the total territory of the BirstonasPark is covered with forests, of which the Punia Pine Wood (2,760 hectares)is the largest in the park. 470 hectares of the territory of the Punia Woodhas been declared a reserve. The park has a precious cultural heritage andoffers nice opportunities for recreation.


There are 3,800 inhabitants in Birstonas. 44.74% are men, 55.26% are women.Ethnic descent: 94% are Lithuanian, 4% – Russian, 0.5% – Polish, 0.3% –Belarusian, and 1.2% – of other descents.


2 post offices, a bus station, a hotel, a kindergarten, primary school,joint kindergarten-school, basic school, a secondary school, a school ofart, a public library and 3 branches, a cultural centre, 2 churches, amuseum, a bank, a book-shop, various objects of cultural value, a sportcomplex, a dispensary, 2 drugstores, 2 sanatoriums, 13 shops, 8 publiccatering establishments.


Birstonas is picturesquely situated on the right bank of Nemunas River in

the center of the Regional Park of the Nemunas 60- kilometers-long loops.Pinewoods and greenery surround this resort town. It is easily reached 90km from Vilnius and 40 km from Kaunas.

This corner of land is urbanized with extreme care. The resort is open allyear round. The main curative factors – curative peat and mineral waterswith different degrees of mineralization (natrium chloride) used fordrinking and curative baths. Patients with disturbances of latent digestivetract and blood circulation are treated in this resort. Sanatoria andresort houses are open all year round. The resort offers therapy andrecreation year-round. This is the very place for tourism, sports andrelaxation. Birstonas is surrounded by water. The River Nemunas, located onboth sides of this quaint and picturesque town, offers boating and fishingopportunities. Three man-made lakes are located within the city limits fortourist’s swimming pleasure. The natural mineral water, provided by severaldeep springs, is bottled locally under the names of “Vytautas”, “Birute”,and “BMV”. The two sanatoriums / spas in Birstonas, among the finest inLithuania, offer an indoor swimming-pool, underwater massage, as well asmineral water and mud baths, among their many other services.

As the center of The Nemunas Loops Regional Park, an abundance of walking,hiking and bicycle paths have been prepared for our pleasure around thetown, along the river, and through the forests. During the winter monthsthese paths are widely used by cross-country skiers.Birstonas promotes many cultural events including ongoing concerts,artistic performances and shows, an annual town festival and annualnational sport dance competition, as well as the renowned InternationalJazz Festival held every other even numbered year.

Birstonas is easy to get to from all directions and offers us a host ofchoices for all of our rest, rehabilitation, relaxation and sport desires.



The Nemunas River is the location of abundant year round fishing. The mostcommon fish available is the carp, eel, bream, chub, and barbell.Berry and mushroom picking

Berry and mushroom picking are national pastimes in Lithuania and theforests of Birstonas are a natural setting for a vast array of desirableedibles. The small forest in the heart of the city, Pusynas, offersvarieties of berries and the larger state forest, Zverincius, offersberries and mushrooms for our enjoyment. Both forests have nice, scenicwalking paths.Boating

The Nemunas River is the playground for boaters of all kinds. Rowing scull,kayak, water bicycle, motor and fishing boats are all seen (and sometimesheard) on the Nemunas. The Nemunas also provides a waterway connection toNida on the Baltic Sea during the summer months, by transferring to a ferryin Kaunas for the ride to Nida.Orienteering

The forests surrounding Birstonas and Prienai and along side of the NemunasRiver are perfect for the sport of orienteering. The LithuanianOrienteering Federation hosted an International Orienteering Competitionhere in July 2000.Biking

The entire town and the surrounding forests are extremely “bike-friendly.”Bring your bike and follow the miles of paths through the forest for anentire day of exercise, beauty and relaxation in the out-of-doors. Stop fora picnic, pick some berries, and watch the birds. The easiest way to seethe charm of the town is on bicycle, as well.Cross country skiing

The moderate climate and ample snowfall in the winter provide enjoyablecross country skiing opportunities through the forest, in the parks, andalong and on the river.Race walkingEvery day we can observe old and young alike in training for race walkingcompetitions. Clearly marked routes have been prepared and marked fordistance. The recreational sport walker and runner can enjoy these paths,

as well as the newly resurfaced walking paths by the river.Swimming indoorsThe sanatorium, “Versme”, has a great Olympic sized indoor swimming poolfor water games, water exercise and lap swimming.Swimming outdoorsThree man-made lakes within the city limits provide a pleasant setting torelax, swim, have a picnic and work on your suntan during the summermonths.The museum of Birstonas

The museum was founded in the previous cottage of the owner A. Katele in1967, when the displays were first brought to the museum by theschoolchildren of Birstonas Secondary School. Over 546 displays are onconstant show to the visitors. The museum features permanent exhibitionsabout the medical and social / political history of Birstonas. Visitingexhibits as well as works of art by local, national and foreign artists areexhibited.


Birstonas Jazz Festival

Birstonas Jazz festivals began in 1980. This world class, internationalevent is staged every two years at the Cultural Center in Birstonas andattracts a large following of people to one of Lithuania’s finest musicalevents. It draws renowned jazz musicians from around Lithuania, theScandinavian, and other European countries. Held during the end of Marchevery even numbered year.International rowing competition

The Nemunas River and the Birstonas Olympic Rowing Center plays host toOlympic rowing champions from around the world. Held the 4th weekend inApril.Mikenas cup race-walking competition

Birstonas is a Mecca of race-walk training and competition. Thiscompetition is held the first Saturday in May and brings repeat competitorseach year to the well-organized event.

Poetry Springs

Each year Birstonas’ lovely outdoor surroundings set the stage for readingsby published poets and scholars which are then accompanied by music andacting. This very pleasing experience generally occurs the last Saturday inMay.

Annual Town Festival

The second weekend in June the town of Birstonas comes alive for four daysof parades, concerts, dances, and folk art sales around the town. Alsoduring this time an International Hot Air Balloon and Air Show is held aswell as the Lithuanian Power Boat Racing competition. The best townfestival around. Not to be missed.“Birstonas Autumn” dance sport competition

Annually, the second weekend in November, Birstonas’ Culture Center setsthe stage for dance competitors from around Lithuania – joyful, fun andenergizing event.


In the 19th century the town became far-famed with its sources of mineralwaters that had healing effect. The first patients were treated withmineral water already in 1846 and the year is considered to be thebeginning of the town as a resort. Since then, Birstonas has been receivingpatients from such cities as Warsaw and Petersburg. Until Word War I, morethan 2,000 people visited the resort annually.

“Tulpe” sanatoriumThis sanitarium was the first in Birstonas. In it are rehabilitation andsanitarium treatments and services for patients after abdominal surgery,and those with digestive, bone, and muscle system disorders. Treatmentsalso include the age old and effective mineral water and mud curativebaths. “Tulpe” Sanatorium, having long-term traditions of balneologicaltreatment, was founded in 1959. In 1989 treatment of oncological diseasesand rehabilitation treatment for post-operation patients was started. Therefunctions specialized departments for patients with nervous systemdisorders, and joint and oncological diseases as well.

“Versme” sanatorium

Founded in 1975, this institution specializes in rest, treatment andrehabilitation services to Lithuanian and foreign visitors. Just as in theold days, mineral water and mud baths are used for curative purposes. Ifyou wish to be healthier, more efficient or just more attractive, visitmagnificent health resort “Versme” in Birstonas for treatment andrelaxation.

Guests and visitors arrive at spa either for recuperation, or for

rehabilitation treatment, ambulatory care, or preventive treatments,especially those, who suffer from orthopedic trauma, and neurological,anthological, oncological, endo-crynological and pulmonal ailments.

Well-arranged and furnished rooms designed for kinetic therapy and sports,a swimming-pool, a sauna and renovated treatment rooms.

Facility is excellently equipped with the most modern diagnosingapparatuses, including devices for ultra-sound examination of abdominalinterior organs, lower limb blood circulation, and spirography devices forexamining the respiratory system. All the specialists are well trained inthe area of using laser devices, electromagnetic and electrical stimulationequipment and are well prepared. Group and individual relaxingpsychotherapy sessions are also organized.

Pulmonal patients are treated in a most tranquil environment by means oflight and sound therapy (halotherapy) in high-tech salt therapy chambers.Both sanatoriums offer services for the day tourist such as: • Hotel rooms with private baths • Good food • Use of swimming pool • Mud and mineral water baths • Underwater and traditional massages • Beauty services such as hair cutting, manicures, pedicures and facials


Nestled amid the grand forests, and tucked in an arm of one of the famousNemunas River bends, a delightful surprise awaits the traveler toLithuania’s south-central countryside. Birstonas is simply the mostbeautiful little town in all Lithuania.———————–[pic]