Alytus is a little city in Lithuania there are just 71482 people.Men are 52% and women is 42%.In Alytus are some nightclub „Cikaga“ , „Spiritas“ and „Palermas“. In Alytus are some museums about one we have informaton . Alytus Museum of Regional Etnography present Lithuanian history not by basing it on famous dates and facts but by showing history as a flow of life where major changes are not noticed at once . The way of people s living in this region of Lithuania has not been formed during a short period of time . In the stream of life certain things have been rejected and others have found their permanent place . Conservative views and fear for novelties are are typical of Lithuanian national character . That is why a lot of objects of everyday usage and work tools have retained their traditional features till the latest decades . We would like visitors of the museum to understand the outlook of the people of DZŪKIJA trough the things of everyday usage , ant to see the alive tradition coming from the distant past . In Alytus are lot of forests .
There some statistics about Alytus
Alytu s city territory are 3945,8 hectares
husbandry 429,15 hectaresforsests 1148,26 hectaresmarrowbone 194,34 hectaresHouses,school… 1337,74 hectareswater 90,3 hectaresAnother ground 745,01 hectares
Alytus, the sixth largest Lithuanian city, is settled along both banks of the Nemunas river. The city has more than 77 000 citizens. The main roads linking Kaunas with Grodno (Byelorussia) and Vilnius with Lazdijai travel through Alytus. Traveling along the Via Baltica from Alytus to Kaunas is 70 km., whereas from Alytus to Vilnius is 105 km. This allows for quick travel from Alytus to the two main cities of Lithuania. The first written mention of Alytus dates back to 1377 in the Chronicles of Vygandas Marburgietis. On the 15th of June 1581 Alytus was granted the Magdeburg right, which allowed an area to incorporate as a city.. This day is now known as Alytus city day and is celebrated every year. The life of Alytus, an important economic and culture center, was inseparable from all the events of Lithuania. Historical events divided Alytus into two parts: Alytus I and Alytus II. The east-side was transferred to the Russian Empire, the west to Prussia. After its victory against Napoleon, Russia occupied all of Alytus but the differences in administration remained until 1863. During W.W.I in 1915, when the German military administration consolidated its position in Lithuania and the Suwalki province, Alytus I and Alytus II were united into one – Alytus town. But even now the smaller town is called Alytus I and the town with the parks, micro districts and industry – Alytus II.
ALYTUS – the center of the southern part of Lithuania, Alytus is often called the capital of Dzukija (the southern region of Lithuania). Although Alytus is situated on both sides of the Nemunas River, the greater part of the city is on the left bank. The population of Alytus is approximately 78,000. Alytus is the sixth largest city in Lithuania and is an important industrial and cultural center.Although the concentration of regional industry in Alytus only began in 1963, the town itself is over 400 years old. On June 15, 1981, Alytus celebrated the anniversary of the day when, in 1581, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania granted Alytus the rights of a town. However, the history of Alytus dates back even farther. According to archeological data, there were already people living in the area during the New Stone Age. A mute witness of the past is the hill on the right bank of the Nemunas at the confluence with the Alytupis River. A wooden castle which was first mentioned in 1377 once stood on this hill. The castle was plagued by frequent attack, as one of the main roads of the Crusaders to Vilnius ran through the area. In 1422, the Treaty of Melne was signed after long debate. It was by this treaty that the Order of the Crusaders recognized both banks (not just the right bank) of the Nemunas in this area to be Lithuanian territory. Thereafter, the infabitants began to settle on the left bank and the castle eventually fell into decay.Once Alytus was formerly established as a town in 1581, it began to grow more rapidly. At the end of the 18th century, the number of people living on either side of the Nemunas was nearly the same, although the right bank has always been the leader in trade and commerce. In 1795, after the third division of Poland and Lithuania, Alytus was partitioned into two parts along the Nemunas. Thus divided, Alytus turned into two virtually independent towns. Up until World War I, these two towns lived like twin brothers who had turned away from one another. The left bank developed rapidly during the period of separation, and was therefore dominant once the two towns were rejoined. Even now, the left bank of Alytus is continuing to expand more rapidly than the right bank.The town of Alytus is connected with the history of the establishment of Lithuanian independence. At the end of 1918, due to the influence of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, a revolutionary committee was founded in Alytus which organized an attachment of Red partisans. It was in this way that Bolshevik military forces began to penetrate into Alytus, in an effort to weaken the newly established Republic of Lithuania. On February 12, 1919, the first battles that were fought between the Lithuanian military and units of the Red Army began. The town was defended by the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Lithuanian Army. On the second day of battle, the regiment’s leader – officer Antanas Juozapavicius – was killed on a bridge over the Nemunas River. Juozapavicius was the first Lithuanian officer to be killed in the fight for independence. The bridge on which Juozapavicius was killed is now named in his honor. In 1938, the wooden construction of the bridge was changed to ferro-concrete decorated in bas-relief. The bridge was blown up during the Second World War. It was later rebuilt, but was only renamed after Juozapavicius in 1988.In 1991, Alytus saw the unveiling of the rebuilt Angel of Freedom monument, which was originally erected in 1928 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lithuanian independence.Location and population. Alytus, the largest city in the Dzukija ethnographic district (southern Lithuania) is rightfully considered its cultural, economic and administrative centre and is often referred to as the capital of Dzukija. It is the sixth largest city in Lithuania with a population of 77,302. Abundant with forests, Alytus is surrounded by a 16-km stretch of the Nemunas river and divided into two parts.
Industry. Alytus is one of the most important industrial centers in Lithuania, with 27 industrial enterprises. The main economic sectors are woodworking, construction, chemicals, textiles (cotton), sewing, wine production, meat processing and packing, dairy production, etc. Tourism is developing quickly in southern Lithuania. Several companies offer general tourist services. The air club provides flights for visitors in planes and gliders and classes on piloting and gliding. Holiday lodgings are situated by Lakes Obelija and DidZiulis. Flights in hot air balloons, canoeing and fishing are available in the village of Nemunaitis. Holidays on farms are becoming popular. History. Though the first documented reference to Alytus dates back to 1377 (Vygandas Marburgietis chronicles), people already lived in the area at the beginning of our era. It is supposed the name Alytus originated from its location -the confluence of Alytis spring and the Nemunas river. In the 14th century a wooden castle, called Aliten by the German chroniclers, stood on the fortress hill at that confluence. In 1581 Alytus was granted the Magdeburg right and Coat of Arms – “rosa alba in campo rubeo² (a white rose in a red field). In the 17th century the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fought several wars with Russia and Sweden. Alytus lost nearly all its inhabitants. Hardly had the town recovered when it was divided into two after the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1795). The Nemunas became the boundary between Prussia and Russia. After the victory against Napoleon, Russia occupied Alytus, and it was under various administrations until 1863. During World War I the Germans united Alytus. In 1931 Alytus be-came one of the largest towns in Lithuania and in 1932 it was granted health resort rights. In 1940-41 the Soviet occupies arrested, deported and shot people; 1945-49 were again years of Soviet repression. Alytus be-longed to the guerilla district of Dainava. Under the communist regime, Alytus became a centre of the country. Due to rapid industrial growth the population also increased greatly. In 1977 Alytus was granted city rights. Since the restoration of Lithuania’s independence in 1990 Alytus has been undergoing a time of change.