simonas daukantas

Simono Daukanto

Simonas Daukantas (1793-1864)

Simonas Daukantas gimė tais metais, kai Rusija, Prūsija, ir Austrija antrą kartą pasidalijo Lenkiją ir Lietuvą, tuo laiku, kai Gardine vyko Lenkijos ir L



Tourism can have both a positive and a negative effect on an area, although in many cases only the positive effect will be obvious. In rural areas, the onset of tourism may have dramatic effects upon the local community, creating new jobs and providing a flow of cash which most inhabitant

Violent crimes

Violent Crimes

Violent crime has increased as a result of greater accessibility to weapons combined with the fact that large numbers of young people are unemployed, with very few prospects of finding a job. In my opinion there are several solutions to the problem.
An effective solution is for th

People keep pets for several ideas

People keep pets for several ideas. First of all, their benefits for children are undeniable. For example, they play a large role in their mental development and at the same time teach children how to look around them, play with them. Also, keeping a pet allows to avoid the feeling of being lonely.

Environmental problems

Environmental problems

Environment plays a large role in every human’s life. Frequently we just don’t pay attention to all bad things we do to nature. Unfortunately, pollution levels are increasing at an alarming rate and we should do everything as well as we can to reduce it.
The main reason w



Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twentieth century. Their benefits are numerous yet much can be said against them.
The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hou

B.Sruoga “Dievų Miškas”

Balys Sruoga
“Dievų Miškas”

Štuthofas – viena iš daugelio hitlerinių koncentracijos stovyklų , įkurta 1939 m.Atsiminimų knygose,straipsniuose Štuthofas apibūdinamas
kaip “eilinė”, “provincinė” stovykla, nes turėjo mažiau kalinių ,buvo ato-
kiai nuo Berlyno ir aukščiausių SS

Living in the countryside

“Living in the countryside”
The life in countryside has changed a lot. The nowadays life in the countryside is easier for the elder and more difficult for the younger people. Living in the countryside has its advantages and disadvantages.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage of living in th

House warming party

House-Warming Party

Recently we moved into big and gorgeous house. So I and my wife, we decided to mark this occasion and we organized a house-warming party.
We invited 35 people to have a good time. My wife started preparations a week before the party took part, as she was cooking food at her m


Pasaka – tai stebuklų šalis, bekraštis fantazijos pasaulis. Pasaulis, kuriame gyvena karaliai ir karalienės, velniai ir raganos, slibinai ir burtininkai, stebukladariai elgetos ir našlaičiai… Čia augalai, gyvūnai, akmenys ir vanduo geba jausti, kalbėti. Čia iš paprastos dėžutės iškyla puikiausi rūma